Critical infrastructure


A system designed for the evaluation of radiology situation in air.

IS MORENA is a specialized information system designed for online measuring and evaluating of radiologic state of air with the aim to timely warn population being potentially under the threat. The software is composed of a hardware part (dosimetric probes, communication channels and the electronics), communication software, registration software being used for data storage and GIS software. Its architecture is designed for uninterruptible operation 24/7. As a part of our service, we provide a regular calibration of dosimetric probes and the maintenance of the whole system. The GIS software assures activation of warnings when the limits have been exceeded. Moreover, it provides instructions inevitable to carry out protection activities. Necessary information concerning accurate localization of a disaster area and emergency path are obtained via IS METEO.


  • Timely warning

    on-line measurements and evaluations of the radiologic state

  • The radiologic state

    recording surface contamination, an evacuation plan based on the area contaminated by radiation

  • Personal dosimetry

    recording and allocating of personal dosimeters, evaluation of gamma radiation absorbed

  • Radiation accident

    creating and recording of forms used in case of a radiation accident

Other projects


A system designed for the record of meteorological parameters.


Application which supports quality control management of laboratories.